Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 caricatures and a house

I've always struggled with caricatures - or indeed any sort of likeness. I even have trouble just recognising people. Perhaps it's some kind of face dyslexia? Still, I have a bash at a caricature every now and then and I think this one of David Mitchell sort of worked - even if he's not quite so tubby in real life...

Here's another try at a caricature - this time it's the latest Dr Who - Matt Smith. I tried Bill Wyman after this and just couldn't do it. You'd have thought he'd be easy...

Finally, here's a quick sketch of a delapidated building. All of these were done with the Zen Brush app on the iPad...


readwatchrelax said...

I really like the Matt Smith. Can you do a Christopher Eccleston?! :)

stefan marjoram said...

I'll have a bash, though, like i say, most of the time they don't work.

Jonathan said...

Hi, I love your work, esp. the figurative stuff. I don't usually comment on people's blogs but you made mention of not recognizing people, and I don't know if it is related but I thought I would send this link your way.
